A Guide To Full Arch Restoration Procedures

Losing multiple teeth can be a distressing experience that affects how you look, speak, and eat. Fortunately, dentistry offers a range of full arch restoration procedures to restore your smile, confidence, and oral function. Your dentist can provide several options for full arch restoration procedures. Whether you're missing teeth from one or both arches, there is a solution that is perfect for your needs.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are considered the gold standard of full arch restoration procedures. They involve surgically placing titanium posts in your jawbone to act as artificial tooth roots. These implants fuse with your jawbone over time, creating a stable and long-lasting foundation for replacement teeth. Depending on your needs and preferences, you can opt for implant-supported dentures or bridges, which offer superior stability and comfort compared to traditional dentures.


All-on-4 is a full arch restoration procedure that combines the benefits of dental implants and dentures. The dentist places four dental implants strategically in your jawbone and then attaches a custom-made denture that is supported by these implants. This full arch restoration procedure is ideal for people who have experienced significant bone loss in their jaw but want a fixed, non-removable solution.

Fixed Bridgework

If you still have healthy natural teeth left in your arch, you can opt for fixed bridgework to replace your missing teeth. This procedure involves creating a custom-made bridge that anchors to your remaining teeth, which act as abutments. Fixed bridgework is a popular and effective alternative to dental implants for people who want to restore their smile and oral function without surgery.

Removable Dentures

Removable dentures are a traditional full arch restoration option people have used for decades. They consist of a custom-made acrylic or resin base that supports artificial teeth. While removable dentures are a convenient and non-invasive solution for missing teeth, they can be uncomfortable and unstable and require frequent adjustments.

Mini Dental Implants

Mini dental implants are a newer and less invasive alternative to traditional dental implants for people who have limited bone density or other health issues that make them unsuitable for surgery. Mini dental implants involve placing smaller titanium posts in your jaw bone, which can support replacement teeth or dentures. While they are not as stable or long-lasting as traditional implants, they offer a more affordable and faster solution for full arch restoration.

Contact your dentist to learn more about full arch restoration procedures
