4 Reasons To Go With Porcelain Veneers When You Want To Upgrade Your Smile

Are your teeth in such bad shape that you find yourself keeping your mouth shut during family photos? If your teeth have seen better days and your smile isn't what it used to be, you might be looking at some of the cosmetic options available for fixing chipped, stained or otherwise worn out teeth. One option that is becoming increasingly popular is porcelain veneers. Here are four reasons why this cosmetic option might be right for you. Read More 

3 Things To Expect When Your Toddler Gets Anesthesia For A Filling

If your child's pediatric dentist finds that your child has one or more cavities, then he may recommend the use of anesthesia while removing these cavities and putting in fillings. Toddlers have a very hard time holding still, and certain aspects of getting and preparing for one or more fillings may be very scary to them. By using anesthesia, your child can simply sleep through the procedure and they won't remember a thing. Read More 

Four Things ALF Therapy Fixes

Dentists have a new oral appliance that can fix a number of things wrong in your mouth. ALF stands for "alternative lightwire functional," which refers the appliance's light wire springiness placed in the back of each side of your lower mandible. This appliance is at the foreground of ALF therapy, which fixes all of the following things. Bruxism The ALF appliance is worn all the time. It is not removable except by your dentist. Read More 

2 Reasons To Consider Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is a fantastic procedure that utilizes a form of resin to either rebuild your teeth or improve the appearance of your teeth. Listed below are two reasons to consider tooth bonding for your particular dental needs: It Is Relatively Inexpensive One of the biggest reasons to consider dental bonding is that it is relatively inexpensive when compared to some of the other restorative or cosmetic dental procedures out there. Read More 

Dental Implants And Their Care

Dental implants are widely used in restorative dentistry. Unlike many other tooth replacement devices, dental implants help maintain the thickness of the jawbone by stimulating the production of new cells. In addition, the implants often last a lifetime and can be used to support dental bridges and dentures.  If your dentist plans to use a dental implant as a part of your tooth-replacement plan, you may wonder what to expect from the placement of the device. Read More