3 Important Tips To Get Your Child To Brush His Or Her Teeth

Do your kids hate caring for their teeth? Is it a struggle to get them to brush properly, let alone take them to the dentist? It may help a little to know that you're not alone in this regard. Younger kids especially simply aren't going to see the value in caring for their teeth properly. Since improper care can lead to cavities and other pain later, it's important that you are able to impart the right knowledge to your children so that they are able to have the best teeth possible. In order to get your children started right, some things you need to so include the following.

Ask the dentist for help: Many children won't listen to their parents because they're testing boundaries and trying to find out more about the world. But while they may not listen to a parent, they may still listen to their dentist. As an outside authority figure, a children's dentist is often perfectly poised to get your child to brush his or her teeth on a daily basis. The dentist can have him or her model how he or she brushes at home, encouraging and/or gently correcting as necessary in order to be sure that the proper technique is being used.

Get appropriate pediatric toothpaste: Aside from the potential danger of younger children swallowing fluoridated toothpaste, adult toothpaste can have a too-strong taste that overwhelms the taste buds of children. While you may think that the toothpaste is just fine, your child may feel like their mouth is burning or that the toothpaste is actually way too bitter. He or she may be refusing to brush their teeth because of this overwhelming sensation. Instead of strong mint flavors, look for child-friendly fruit-flavored toothpaste. If you have trouble locating anything appropriate, a good children's dentist often maintains a list of options that are available nearby and can be found relatively easily.

Let your child choose the brush: When it's time to get new toothbrushes for everyone, it's all too easy to just grab a handful of whatever's cheapest or closest and throw them in the cart with the other groceries. But if you've picked up a blue toothbrush when your child wanted green, then this is one more thing that will make it harder for you to get your child to brush. Your children's dentist may give him or her a toothbrush during checkups that he or she will want to use. but when it's time to replace that toothbrush, then you should take your child to the store and let him or her decide. If that means letting him or her get a light-up musical toothbrush, that's a small price to pay for fewer arguments about whether or not it's time to brush his or her teeth.
