Dental Understand Your Different Types Of Teeth

Each one of the different types of teeth serves its own purpose.  This article will help to give you a better understanding of the role each type of tooth plays.

Your incisors are your front teeth

The incisors consist of the eight front teeth that are most visible when you smile. You have the top four and the bottom four. You use your incisors to bite into foods and they aren't used much after this while you are chewing. Another interesting fact about these teeth is they are usually the first ones that make an appearance in babies as long as they are following a normal tooth eruption pattern.

Canines are also often referred to as your fang teeth

The very next set of teeth that are right next in line to your incisors are your canines. These teeth are also visible when you smile. Your canines are your sharpest teeth and they are used to rip harder foods apart, such as a piece of steak.

Bicuspids are right next to your canines

The next teeth after the canines are your bicuspids which are also referred to as your premolar teeth. They are called the premolars because they are also situated right before your molars. These are some of the main teeth that you use for the actual chewing process. You have one bicuspid next to each canine tooth.

Your molars are the main teeth you use for chewing food

Molars are the teeth you have in the back of your mouth and in most cases they can't be seen when you smile. These are the main teeth used in your mouth for really chewing up food. Since they do most of the chewing they also generally tend to be the first ones in a person's mouth to develop cavities. Even though they aren't easy to see, it is very important to get seen right away if you feel you may have a cavity because they play just as important of a role to the eating process as any other tooth in your mouth.

Your wisdom teeth are in the far back of your mouth

Wisdom teeth are the very last four teeth way in the back of your mouth. Most people don't get these teeth in until they are young adults. In fact, some people never have them come in at all. Also, some people don't end up even having enough room for them and have to have them removed by their dentist.

If you have a problem with any teeth, you should be seen as soon as you know there is an issue as tooth loss affects many adults, though there are options for procedures like dental implants in many cases.
