Why Should You Visit The Dentist’s Office More Often?

Physicians often recommend their patients conduct frequent annual visits at their office. For example, doctors and dentists will tell you to come see them at least once and twice a year, respectively. While certain patients quickly understand why, others are more reluctant because they don't feel the physical need to request many consultations within the same year. This article discusses why you should consider visiting your dentist's office more often.

Biannual visits have never been the norm

Unlike what most people think, biannual visits at the dentist's were never designed to be the norm when it comes to keeping up on dental care. Indeed, they were meant for individuals who have good hygiene and consuming habits such as:  

  • Brushing their teeth twice a day
  • Staying away from cigarettes
  • Eating properly

Because they get fluoride from a variety of sources such as water, and because of its ability to protect their teeth against cavities over an extended period of time, these individuals can afford to skip on some of their recommended visits. As you might know, dentists advise their patients to request a consultation every 6 months, which means that a person who is on a good diet and whose teeth are properly cared may decide to see their dental hygienist only once a year, without too much risk.

However, it's important to note that the human body progressively loses its ability to self-protect with aging. Indeed, the younger the human body, the lower the ability to eliminate tartar. So when age also becomes a factor, you can no longer expect your mouth to self-care with the same level of effectiveness as before simply because you're still eating well and flossing several times a week.

Why should you visit your dentist's office more often?

There is more than one reason for you to go see your dentist at least three times per year. As mentioned earlier, aging increases your health risk status as it makes your body more prone to developing certain conditions. For example, using certain medications may cause you to have a dry mouth problem, which will ultimately make it easier for mouth bacteria to concentrate.

Another thing that may lead you to visit your dentist more often is if your diet changes. When in their 20s-30s, people develop poor consuming habits, such as eating too much sugary foods, that they then struggle to get rid of as they age. They eventually adjust their sugar consumption after being diagnosed with a sugar-related health condition such as diabetes.

If you love eating sugary foods and don't want to lower your sugar consumption yet, then you should definitely do the necessary to keep up on dental care. Being proactive will help you avoid dealing with serious tooth-related conditions in the long run.

Another reason to request a higher number of consultations at your dentist's is if you have trouble performing dental care properly. This can be the case if you have overlapping teeth, for example. Overlapping teeth are much harder to access, which is why you should have them cleaned by a professional dental hygienist.

People whose teeth overlap are at an even greater risk than the others because bacteria can quickly grow in the mouth areas that aren't accessed during routine flossing. Skipping too many visits may result in the development of irreversible dental disorders, especially if bacteria have started attacking tooth bones.

As you might see, frequent consultations at your dentist's are the only effective way to make sure that your teeth are in good condition. Negligence will only result in permanent tooth damage and expensive related bills.

Check out sites like http://www.familydentalcentertn.com for more info.
